Resource guide:
From doctors to self-help groups
There are doctors all over Switzerland from the SAKK network (SAKK = Swiss Working Group for Clinical Cancer Research) who offer genetic counseling and testing for a genetic predisposition to cancer in line with the Swiss Nursing Service Regulation (KVL):
Contact information is organized by canton and provides current addresses, the names of relevant contacts, email addresses and website info.
Genetic counseling and testing
Specialized clinical genetics laboratories
You can find specialized clinical genetics laboratories on the Swiss Association for Medical Genetics (SGMG) website:
Centers specialized in assessing and treating ovarian cancer
The list of clinics that have received the mandate as centers for highly specialized medicine (HSM) in the ovarian cancer segment is still tentative. The appeals process is currently underway. The HSM journal recommends the following HSM service providers:
Insel Gruppe AG, Inselspital (University Hospital of Bern); Bern
Lindenhofgruppe AG, Lindenhof Hospital; Bern (assigned with specific conditions)
Universitätsspital Basel (University Hospital of Basel), Basel
Les hopitaux universitaires de Genève (University Hospital of Geneva); Geneva
LUKS Spitalbetriebe AG (Lucern Canton Hospital); Lucerne (assigned with specific conditions)
Kantonsspital St. Gallen (St. Gallen Canton Hospital); St. Gallen
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC), Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Civico (assigned with specific conditions)
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (Vaudois University Hospital) ; Lausanne
Hopital du Valais, Hopital de Sion (Sion Hospital); Sion (assigned with specific conditions)
Hirslanden AG, Klinik Hirslanden (Hirslanden Clinic); Zurich (assigned with specific conditions)
Kantonsspital Winterthur (Winterthur Canton Hospital); Winterthur
Universitätsspital Zürich (University of Zurich Hospital); Zurich
Consultation centers:
Here you can find a wealth of information and contact people well-versed in topics like psycho-oncology, psychology, child and adolescent psychology, family counseling, family support, health counseling and financial support.
Swiss Cancer League:
Zurich Cancer League:
Zurich Cancer League Psychooncology:
Cancer information network of German Cancer Aid: or +49 800 807 08877
Association for gynecological cancers
Manja Gideon Foundation –
Promoting awareness and research projects
Apps for information and networking:
Patient organizations
Tel.: 043 288 88 88
BRCA-Frauengruppe Schweiz
(BRCA women’s group Switzerland)
BRCA-Netzwerk Deutschland
(German BRCA Network)
Tel.: +49 800 58 925 63
Eierstockkrebs Deutschland e.V.
(German Ovarian Cancer Association)
Digital self-help group to deal with cancer without fear:
GZO Spital Wetzikon
(GZO Wetzikon Hospital)
Self-help groups
For people from families with hereditary cancers to get help and build support networks. Discussion groups offer a good opportunity to exchange information and experiences with other people who are BRCA carriers.
Additional relevant websites:
Ovacome: UK’s Support Charity for Ovarian Cancer
Self-help center in the Winterthur region
Self-help in Lucerne, Obwalden and Nidwalden
Self-help in Switzerland
Regional self-help centers as places for contacts, information and consulting: